T level Health Science students welcomed Dr Alex Corcoran to the recently renovated Health and Fitness Suite to deliver an interactive talk about career and progression routes in the NHS!
The engaging talk and practical session were delivered in the recently renovated Health and Fitness Suite at Fareham College’s Bishopsfield Road Campus. The £1 million investment includes industry-standard technology and practical learning aids, such as a two-bedded simulation ward and sports lab complete with Watt Bikes and Douglas Bags.
The event, delivered on Wednesday, 30 March, was organised in partnership with the Southern Universities Network and Health Education England and provided students with the opportunity to use equipment frequently found in the industry, including blood pressure cuffs, otoscopes, SATs Probes, and stethoscopes.
Dr Alex Corcoran is a practising GP working alongside Health Education England to promote and champion careers in the NHS and Health Industry. Dr Corcoran spoke about the different opportunities available, from working as a health practitioner internationally and on exciting expeditions to supporting patients at all stages of life; the possibilities in the Health and Care sector are endless.
Dr Alex Corcoran said, “I really enjoy the opportunity to visit schools and colleges to promote careers in the NHS. As a practising GP, I am passionate about patient care and engaging the next generation of professionals; activities like these also provide variety in my work which I enjoy”.
Michelle Young, Faculty Director for Health, Science and Education, commented, “It’s great to welcome industry visitors to give our students an oversight into the whole health profession. Often students are not fully aware of all of the career routes and job roles that are opened up to them in the Health industry with the qualifications they gain while with us.”
At Fareham College, we are committed to developing and expanding our teaching environment to facilitate the highest quality of learning. This includes the continuous investment in and expansion of College facilities. The Health, Science and Education Faculty developments at Bishopsfield Road opened in September 2021, welcoming new and returning students.
In addition to the delivery of Health and Science T Levels, Early Years Education students benefit from two dedicated indoor classrooms located within the Suite and one outdoor teaching environment. Indoor facilities can be transformed into an active childcare setting, with children from the on-site nursery attending regular interactive sessions supporting students to learn in a working environment, which gives them vital preparation ahead of a work placement. The College is an active member of the local community, hosting weekly Memory Café and Dementia Friendly Cookery Sessions managed and delivered by students.
Are you interested in working in the NHS or Health and Care Industry? Find out how Fareham College can support you to reach your ambitions and apply now!