Key Messages for Students and Parents
From Monday 14 September the College requires students and staff to wear face coverings in all College buildings, in corridors, queues, public areas, and communal spaces and when travelling to the College by public transport. While students and staff are not required to wear face coverings outside, please remember to social distance when waiting outside for public transport.
The news that social gatherings of groups larger than six people will be banned in England highlights concerns about the rising number of cases of Coronavirus in the UK. The Deputy Chief Medical Officer has noted recently that cases are rising in the age group 17-21 where they do not practice social distancing.
Our top priority is to ensure that the College is a safe environment for all students, staff and visitors. While at present it has not been made mandatory for individuals to wear face coverings in educational establishments, we believe that wearing face coverings will further enhance the preventative measures we have already put in place to mitigate as far as possible the transmission of COVID-19.
Thank you to our students for their support in wearing face masks around the College – an important measure to ensure that both students and staff are kept safe.
Previously, should a student forget to bring their face mask, we were supplying paper face masks as a replacement but, we have now replaced these with washable/reusable face masks which students can purchase. The cost of these face masks is £2, made via card payment – available from Main Reception in C Building at our Bishopsfield Road campus, or the Starbucks café at our CEMAST campus.
If a student arrives at the College without a face mask or the facility to purchase one from Reception or Starbucks, it may result in a request for the student to return home to collect their face mask. However, this does not apply to students who are exempt from wearing a mask.
Thank you, once again, for your continued support in this matter. Your actions are helping to protect the safety of those around you.
Exceptions to wearing face coverings indoors include:
- Face coverings may be removed once students are seated in their classrooms where other mitigating measures are enforced, such as, good ventilation, regular cleaning and students being maintained in their bubbles. Teachers may ask students to put face coverings back on in lessons, for instance where students are asked to move or partially face each other in pairs or small groups, and where a teacher is unable to maintain a 2m distance from students. Should a student study an industry based subject such as hair and beauty, industry guidelines will be followed and the wearing of masks will be mandatory in teaching areas;
- When students are eating a meal;
- Health conditions should not normally prevent a person wearing a face covering. There is no requirement for your GP to issue letters for patients who are unable to wear face coverings, as the Government have clearly defined the exemptions to this requirement. Should you be exempt from wearing a face covering and you wish to be recognised as being exempt you are able to print your own exemption card if required and these can be accessed, along with further guidance, via the following link: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/face-coverings-when-to-wear-one-and-how-to-make-your-own
Washing hands with soap and water remains one of the most effective preventative measures and we expect all students, staff and visitors to continue to wash their hands regularly. We have made sure that all bathrooms in the College have robust soap products and we have installed hand sanitiser dispensers across the three college campuses, as well as distributing small bottles of hand sanitiser (which can be refilled and reused) to staff and students to wear on their lanyards.
Students should not have physical contact with friends and peers. When they socialise in the College and outside, they should keep a safe distance, meet in small numbers (no more than six if meeting socially outside of the College), choose less crowded places and outside areas where possible. They should follow instructions from staff, signs and posters, including floor markings for guidance.
i.e. raised temperature, new continuous cough, loss of smell or taste.
All other control measures remain in place:
- No staff, students or visitors may come on site if displaying symptoms;
- Students must remain in their groups / bubbles;
- All staff, students and visitors must practice good hand hygiene;
- All staff, students and visitors must engage in test and trace where appropriate;
- All staff, students and visitors must adhere to social distancing practices.
Should you have any queries, please email info@fareham.ac.uk
COVID-19 Information for Staff, Students and Visitors

Additional advice on Coronavirus