A Message for Students, Parents and Carers
With the announcement of a 4 week lockdown taking effect from Thursday 5th November I wanted to write to clarify the position at Fareham College.
Firstly, I appreciate these are unsettling times. We are going through a public health crisis like no other and the use of lockdowns to control a virus is new to all of us. Let me assure you that student and staff health and well-being is our highest priority throughout this period.
This lockdown is different to that imposed in March; schools and colleges are asked to remain open this time. We will therefore continue to provide you a classroom-based high-quality professional and technical education.
As it stands there are no further changes proposed to assessment or exam arrangements. We hope this remains the case, however, it is possible that changes may come, so your teachers will be ensuring that regular assessment information is captured through your classwork and coursework should it be needed for centre assessed grades.
There are some changes we will inevitably have to make though. The gym will close until further notice, and the salons and commercial restaurant will close to the general public but any students who use any of these facilities will still have access to them where required to fulfil the learning outcomes of their course.
As rates of covid-19 increase nationally and locally it is possible that an increasing number of individual students, groups of students or staff may need to self-isolate as a precaution. If this occurs we are well placed to revert teaching and learning online and we will ensure no students are disadvantaged in their studies.
It is well documented that wearing a face covering helps to lower the transmission of Covid-19. They are now mandatory almost everywhere you go and are required in public and communal areas in college.
From Monday 9th November we will also encourage students to wear face coverings in lessons. We hope you will see the logic in this and will support this to help protect staff and other students.
It’s worth a few general reminders while I write to you.
- Please do look out for symptoms of Covid-19 and do not attend if you have a new continuous cough, fever or loss of taste and smell.
- If contacted by track and trace to self-isolate please do follow the guidance they issue you with.
- Outside of college, please remember that there are new rules which mean you are not allowed to socialise in groups, please do stick to these.
Finally, I’m impressed by the way young people are responding to this challenging situation we are in, you are a credit to Fareham College. Although it might not feel like it at the moment this time will pass and be something you look back at. Your qualifications will be important, keep working hard.
Many thanks,
Andrew Kaye, Principal and Chief Executive
Should you have any queries, please email info@fareham.ac.uk

Additional advice on Coronavirus